Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My understanding of the gospel

My understanding of the gospel starts with man's condition and position before God. After our first parents partook in the forbidden fruit, they plunged all of their children into a condition of moral and spiritual crookedness. All of the actions of every man, except the God-man, are touched by the sinful nature that they have inherited from their federal head, Adam. The position of humanity before God was also affected by the rebellion of our first parents. Our position from the womb is sinner, rebel, enemy, and unrighteous. But when the time was right, God sent his Son into the world. He actively obeyed the commands of God, he was crucified as a sacrifice, a substitute, a Messiah, and as the loving bridegroom who purchased his Bride, the Church. He then resurrected from the grave, defeating death and sin, so that he could give life to his Bride. All those who come to him in repentance and faith are welcomed as sons, brothers and sisters, redeemed, reconciled, and beloved saints.